Monday, September 19, 2011

I recently changed the alternator on my 96 camry but my car still wont start any advice?

Well did it start before you change the alternator? If it did you burned up something or did not do it right. If it did not start before you worked on it. start at the Battery and check the voltage across the post, you will need at less 10.5 to crank a ford and I am not sure on the other. You can not do any thing with a low battery. either charge it or get a hot battery to jump you can and see if it start. If your battery has voltage, you will need to check to starting circuit. Battery, key switch, solenoid, starter. If you get the engine running recheck the voltage back at the battery, and if the charging system is working you should have at less 13.4 volt. If all of the checks, check out and the car has not started you may have a fuel work on. Do not forget to check the fuse link in the battery to started, cable
I recently changed the alternator on my 96 camry but my car still wont start any advice?
We need more details.

Does it turn over, click anything? Do the lights come on when you hit the switch? Can you jump start it?
I recently changed the alternator on my 96 camry but my car still wont start any advice?
Hook up the battery to a vehicle with a working battery, start the car, then drive it at highway speeds for at least 15-20 minutes to let the new alternator charge up the battery.
The alternator charges the battery...

the battery still has to be good to hold a charge long enough to turn the starter

the starter has to be in good shape to turn the engine

the connections at the battery and starter have to be clean in order to make good contact.......

if it doesn't start, you check the battery first.....
the alternator will not keep a car from starting however will keep a battery from staying charged in order to diagnose the car we will need more information. when did the car start having this problem and what symptoms occured, what led you to believe the alternator was out step by step tell me about your car i will fix ur problem.
when the vehicle does not start you need to start with the basics like is the battery fully charged and capable cranking a vehicle this is done with a load test normally done at your local auto parts store... ok now is your cranking or clicking by now the battery is ruled out so if it cranks its something else and a mechanic should check it out if it clicks it could be either a connection or a starter but you need someone that knows how to test them....
did you have the altenator tested that was removed,and also the battery lod tested or charged,try starting the vehicle with a jump,do you have spark,fuel,and computer command you need to check your basics first,your altenator's job is to run your cars electrical system while runing and maintain the battery charge,dont count on your altenator to fully charge your battery a dead battery can weaken and shorten the life of your altenator.
sound like you may have waisted your time and money replacing the wrong part. is the battery any good? is the starter ok. does the car have an alarm capable of killing the starter circuit? these are just a few things that you need to check.