What is the easiest way to change the alternator belt on a 1996 dodge neon?
if it's anything like a late 80s / early 90s VW...
slacken off the alternator adjusting bolts, rotate the alt towards the engine, remove old belt, fit new belt, rotate alt away from engine until belt is just tense enough to be twistable thru no more than 90 degrees, and retighten. easy.
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What is the easiest way to change the alternator belt on a 1996 dodge neon?
have a certified auto mechanic do it for you...that's the easiest way.
there actually is no easy way..sorry...
take it to a mechanic and have him change it.
you can probobly replace it yourself, but your timing belt has to be adjusted too , by a professional
cut open the old one %26amp; adjust the distance between the ends. %26amp; then fit it.then readjust the distance
The easiest way is to let someone else do it! Seriously, it would be best to let a repair shop do it - it may cost a little more, but they have the proper tools needed (you would have to rent them) and it is warrantied by them. Find a local independent repairman to do the job.....they are less expensive than dealerships and large repair chains.
go buy the belt your self, then have a shop do it. it will be cheaper and less work for you and youll get some type of warrenty on the labor. hey roxy
Easiest way is to find someone else to do it. If you cannot see how to do it, you have no business doing it.
The easiest way is to take it to a shop.
Buy the Chilton's or Haynes repair manual pick up the belt while your their and be done .... It's cake to replace!