Would you prefer to use the manual from the 0005 model?
When changing the alternator on your 2005 automobile...?
Definitely... nothing else would be applicable .. anything older would be outdated.
When changing the alternator on your 2005 automobile...?
Say what??
Now that's funny. I was gonna give ya junk fer being in the wrong section till I saw the rest of the question.
Thanks fer the giggle.
It's the only way. The 0005 book contains truths. Granted, they relate to donkey carts, but you will crash and die if you use another manual.
I asked one night help my dishwasher is broke and the bible doesnt have instructions
so many of them said the bible had all the answers
why didnt it help me fix my dishwasher
best answer given to someone who said god made human and its a manual for god made things, the dishwasher is hand made
i love it when people hand my *** to me - cause it was a silly question that didnt require all the mean responses, just one silly little logical response
i think it was mainworry