Friday, June 3, 2011

How do you change alternator on 2001 audi A4?

i need to change the alternator on my audi a4 but one of the bolts is long and the fan is in the way. any one got tips?|||on the a4 it is very easy to remove the front bumper and place the radiator suppot into %26#039;service%26#039; position. sounds like alot of work but it%26#039;s quick and easy. first take off the engine cover under the cara nd then remove the lower side grill covers. you%26#039;ll find and want to remove one bolt on each side (6mm allen head bolts) then remove torx screw in the frt wheel lining in front of the front tire, again on on each side. then just unclip the sides of the bumper from the fender and pull foward. diconnect headlight washer hose and wires for horn and fog lights. the radiator support has 7 torx 45 head bolts holding it from the front and 2 30 torx bolts on the side and 4 30torx bolts on the top, then just slide foward about 4-6 inches. good luck.