having the same problem. Now no matter what I do the battery voltage want go above 11.83 while in the car but the other day a mechanic charged it up and said the battery and alternator were fine. I found a %26quot;1%26quot; fuse where a %26quot;10%26quot;fuse should be and was wondering if that could be the problem or maybe a fusable link.
2007 ford focus.had alternator changed 5-22- 09 with new factory one. Last week my car started?
the alternator should be charging at 13 volts running. If your checking the battery in the car while it is off then 11.83 is a little low but around 12 so I would put a load tester on the battery to see if it holds. If your battery is testing 11.83 while the car is running then I would take the alternator back and exchange it.Alternators now days have a built in voltage regulator and I have had them test bad right out of the box.
2007 ford focus.had alternator changed 5-22- 09 with new factory one. Last week my car started?
It's the phrase %26quot;in the car%26quot; that leaps out at me here,do you mean the cars voltage display?I'd check charging voltage and amperage with independent meters,if they agree I'd suspect the battery has a high internal resistance.to test replace the battery with anything they'll fit and recheck the output,if it scales higher,the faults in the battery cells,junk it.
Just go to Sears or Auto Zone. They will put a tester on there that will check the alternator, battery, starter motor current draw, regulator and check for shorts. Don't worry about it until you have these tests done. The whole test procedure should take under 5 minutes and should be free or very very inexpensive. Don't go to Meineke or Midas or Goodyear or anyplace like that.
if the fuse was not blown then it was probably not the problem however it is good to put proper rated fuse in there
check for corrosion on all the wire connectors under the hood at the alternator and at firewall
The size of the fuse shouldn't make an differents, you might have the wrong size alternator,could be to small.
Step one buy some water, step 2 put it in the oil step 3 start the car step 4 buy a Nissan.