Hi, recently I got my alternator changed and now my ac compressor doesn't work. I noticed a wire dangling under my car which was from the compressor I bring it back they told me they disconnected it when they did the alternator job so they reconnected it and told me it should work since I got there late when they were closing I had to leave. But it still don't work could I of messed up something whe I turned the ac on the other day and it wasn't connected . Please respond back on any ideas..
Changed alternator now my ac compressor doesn't work? 95 maxima?
I don't know what the problem could be. But I wouldn't use that shop again. I don't see how they could screw up the ac replacing the alternator, sounds like sub par mechanic work to me.
Changed alternator now my ac compressor doesn't work? 95 maxima?
That is probably for the compressor clutch. There is no way you damaged anything when you turned it on while it was disconnected. I would ask them to check their work. Maybe the belt on the AC compressor is loose or maybe the connector (wire you saw) was damaged when they were prying on things to tighten the alternator belt.