should the battery also be replaced? it has 145,000 miles
How do i change the alternator in my 1995 nissan altima..?
You can get great how to info on the Internet if you have the tools and are mechanically inclined. Changing the alternator is not hard. BUT... take it to the auto parts place and make sure it's bad before you spend the dough.
How do i change the alternator in my 1995 nissan altima..?
go to the auto parts store, tell them what kind of car you have, (they have books to find out what kind of alternator) then disconnect the battery, take out the old one, pop in the new one.
The only way to know for sure is to see mechanic, just look for one in the yellow pages. You can find one that will not charge you for diagnostic or atleast get an inspection for about 50. Its not worth guessing or letting people here give you bad advice.
get a CHILTON'S manual for your has detailed directions as well as pictures and diagrams....alternator can be a very easy thing to change...but it is sometimes really hard to get to...they will help you at the auto parts store also...good luck
With a spanner and no the battery is fine just get it charged
its easy, just pick up a mechanic manual from your local parts store