My car dies while I am driving it. The lights dim and it struggles to stay started, then dies after a short time running. Battery was checked at checker and told to be good, changed alternator, still same problem. Night before this happened, my speedometer/odometer stopped working. Good connections on battery cables, alternator is brand new, good connections, and tight belt. Any advice or help? Please? Thank you.
My car dies while running and won't hold a charge.?
Alternator may be brand new but it is very obvious that it is not putting out the right output to power the electrical system or charge the battery. With a good alternator, car should run even without battery. Alternator is either defective or not properly installed.
My car dies while running and won't hold a charge.?
well the only thing that i can think of is it might be your electrical system that is messed up or you might want to try running a full dyignostic check on it it may cost a little money but ive found it to be well worth the money
Check your grond straps and change your battery. I am assuming this is a new car with the voltage regulator integral in the alternator. you might also want to check the wires at the alternator for fraying under the insulation, and the connector at the alternator for corroded connectors. you might also have a short somewhere that's sucking current while the car is ideling. tough one.
If the Alternator is new and You've made sure all the connections are correctly attached, try a load test on the battery, thats probably the problem.
sounds like no amps.